The Grimes House of Tea identifies that the era of rampant consumerism is coming to an end. Buying useless product isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.Simplicity, humbleness and frugality is an essential part of life. In this approach, excess is abandoned, leaving only the bare minimum.

When it comes to designing a logo for a brand, more isn't always necessarily better. Minimalism just makes sense. The ability to make your brand memorable and consistent are all keys in creating a great visual identity. Simplicity is key when you desire to get your point across to a large amount of people.

While some marketers choose to design their brand with intricate and abstract themes, these minimalist branding techniques are more about showcasing a clean and clear design, allowing people to instantly recognize what the product is about. Similar to minimalist features in modern homes, the use of simple designs and often white colors serves to make the overall appearance more sleek and sophisticated.

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